Queen of Heaven New Moon
New Moon at 12+ Leo, August 4, 2024, 4:13am PDT, 7:13am EDT, 12:13pm BST, 6:13pm AEST
Venus returns as Evening Star, for this Full-Hearted Leo New Moon. Again visible in her celestial glory after a long Sunlit sabbatical on the far side of the Sun, she mskrd s dramatic reappearance as Queen of Heaven and Earth aligned with the royal star Regulus at 29+ Leo.
You may want to take a listen to the New Moon video I made with Honey C Golden, for a fuller discussion of the energies using these next few images. I had a emotionally dramatic week, needing extra time and energy to recover a comfortably resonant frequency. This is what Venus is all about, heart intelligence and love resonance. ]What has been your experience? I don’t think I’m the only one!] Therefore, my writing time has been somewhat compromised. The New Moon is but hours away as I continue writing this newsletter for you. Writing helps me to sort through and express my thoughts, using the symbolic, mythic language of Astrology to offer an initial energetic take on the unfolding lunation rhythms.
Our first look at the New Moon chart denotes its Sabian symbol as
“An Old Sea Captain Rocking on the Porch of His Cottage”,
a rather laid-back image with a suggestion to sit back and take an experienced, seasoned view of life. This agrees with the retrograde motion of Mercury that begin just hours after the New Moon clicks in. We’ll look at that more in a moment.
The chart also highlights Chariklo in Aquarius in a close opposition to the New Moon. Aquarius is a sign that tends to step back and observe from a distance or from the ‘witness mind’ or higher mind perspective—rather like our lunar Sea Captain.
Chariklo, as consort of Chiron, carries feminine healing qualities, a way of holding a vibratory space for healing to happen. She seeks whatever form best serves Love, supporting the highest outcome in the moment. Chiron is all about Being Present in the Moment in the ‘Be Here Now’ alignment of Spirit-Mind (mental/emotional)-Body. Chiron points out whatever needs healing, often through specific symptoms, but with other dynamics implied, never just physical. Does Chariklo help calibrate our energy bodies to clear subtle distortions that affect the well-being of our physical vehicles? In Aquarius, is she working with collective societal and technological interference and artificiality to help clear and uplift our current social context for Pluto’s final entry into Aquarius in November? These thoughts arise, as a sample of new perspectives to consider.
I am becoming more aware of frequency, harmonics and resonance, as I shared above. Quantum Wave Theory considers the natural frequency of any body, as well as standing waves that are the result of two resonant frequencies amplifying energy. You may know more about this than I have yet grasped mentally but I sure feeling the impact of singular and collective interactions.
Both Saturn and Neptune are retrograde in Pisces for some months to come, useful for purifying the Piscean waters on obvious (Saturn) and less-obvious (Neptune) levels. Saturn works on-the-ground with in-your-face situations, while Neptune dis-illusions to clarify the ‘Big Dream’, our collective Vision. These current Piscean seas are choppy and chaotic; we can help bring back coherence with our prayers, loving-kindness and compassion for ourselves as well as others. Self-care is so important now so that we can offer the best service we can in these crazy times.
Chiron just turned retrograde at 23+ Aries on July 26. By mid-November, just as Pluto returns to Aquarius, Chiron will have moved all the way back to 19 Aries, the April 8 Eclipse degree, precisely conjunct Chiron. We may well review our experience since then, as we are still in those eclipse ripples.
And Pluto, is retrograde how also, preparing to return to Capricorn at the beginning of September to finish up old business.
First, though, Mercury retrograde. We can use this timely Mercury review to step back a bit, sift and sort our priorities, attend to most essential tasks, including taking care of our bodies, and appreciating Nature. Mercury starts retrograde in Virgo, echoing themes of its 5 degree Sabian Symbol image—
“A Man Becomes Aware of Nature Spirits and Normally Unseen Spiritual Energies.”
Virgo itself tends to tune us into subtleties of Nature, so this theme is doubled with spiritual meaning. We are remembering our subtle senses, supernatural potential and our own spiritual essence. Mercury returns to creative an expressive Leo half way through August, turning direct at 21+ Leo on August 28/29, just before Pluto reenters Capricorn. Hopefully Mercury has prepared us well to finish up ‘loose ends’ and move into a major reorganization.
Venus in Leo is a good ally to bring joy and playfulness into our day-to-day activities. She reappeared in perfect time! Leo can make everything fun! a sense of humor goes a long way, as well as pauses in our day to appreciate a butterfly’s dance, the sensuality of a flower, the clouds riding the air through the sky, a friend’s smile. All these things make life worth living. That’s priority!
Mercury and Venus are conjunct, just a few degrees apart across the Leo-Virgo cusp. Mercury turns retrograde and Venus steps into Leo just after this New Moon clicks in. These two planets shifting places, as if linking arms and circling in a skillful dance maneuver. They conjunct on August 7/8 (Lion’s Gate!).
30 Leo gives us a Sabian image that works well with Mercury going retrograde:
”An Unsealed Letter has Vital and Confidential Information”,
such information that may resurface as we go back over recent experiences—again reminding us that we are in the powerful wave form of that April 8 eclipse. I imagine that New Moon Sea Captain is likely remembering and mulling over major moments in his life, a good exercise to view our lives in a larger context. Information also may come forth that we need in order to proceed effectively in our lives, to move forward, to improve our lives. to finish out this year and this Pluto cycle. Better options and solutions may be presented than what we now perceive.
Well, I’m ready to call time here. Do take note of that intriguing Black Moon/ South Node conjunction challenging us to find a deeper relationship with our Soul Self to guide our way forward into the Integrity and Clarity of the leading edge North Node in Aries. We compromise our own energy when we accommodate or please others beyond our balance point. When we tap into the Soul Essence evoked by the best of Black Moon Lilith, we find deeper, truer connection with others as well as with ourselves. Honey and I talk about this placement in our video dialogue if you want a bit more. I find these conversations helpful in preparing ideas and visuals for Cosmic Inspiration.