Venusian New Moon in June
at 16 Gemini 17, June 6, 2024, 5:38am PDT, 8:38am EDT, 1:38pm BST, 7:38pm AEST
The Gemini Sun has gathered up a trio of planets into its beehive of buzzyness. Under its auspices Jupiter pairs with Mercury, ruler of Gemini, to amplify information, potentials, options, etc. etc. Gemini is curious and open-minded, ready to share snippets of the latest information. We are not all wired that way, but even for a Gemini, It can feel like information overload!
How open-minded are you to new perspectives or ideas? How much newness can you handle? We may need to set priorities as to what information to pay attention to, even while keeping an ear on the ground. What is claiming your attention? Especially let’s listen to our bodies, such an amazing form of organic intelligence hosting our spiritual essence. Body knows how to prioritize for best natural results in accordance with Heaven and Earth. Our bodies are like acupuncture needles aligning spirit and matter. We are conveyers of high cosmic consciousness to our Earth plane.
From the heart of the Sunlight, Venus that influences this New Moon with her love light. In Gemini, she enhances the lightness, delight and kaleidoscopic changeability of this butterfly/dandelion fluff sign. She adds special shimmering light to the blood plasma flowing to and from our hearts, literally, I believe.
Venus is a higher-level ruler of Gemini in Esoteric Astrology, which denotes 3 tiers of sign rulership. Venus is the esoteric, hidden ruler activating an inner level of our experience. She is indeed hidden now, invisible in the light of the Sun. With both regular ruler Mercury and esoteric ruler Venus in Gemini, we have a wonderful opportunity to align heart and head for a full spectrum perspective to guide our experience forward. Venus harmonizes and take us beyond intellectual arguments and mind-games. Communication from heart to heart is received more easily and fully. Love melts superficial disputes and finds common ground.
Venus is aligned with this New Moon from the far side of the Sun, communing with the Giver of Life while channeling high vibrations from the starfield. Enjoy a resonant musical interlude with Bruce Cockburn's "Lord of the Starfields" and feel the cosmic energy infuse your heart with Joy.
Every eight years, Venus will align twice with the Sun in five signs of the Zodiac; once when retrograde, between Earth and Sun, and again four years later from the far side of the Sun. Gemini is currently one of these places.
Every 8 years— two days and two degrees earlier each time—Venus will be conjunct the Sun while retrograde. Four years later, half-way through the cycle,, Venus will conjunct the Sun at those same points from the far side of the Sun. This goes for each of the five points, creating a kind of double heart-beat rhythm that we can track in our experience.
Sabian Symbol Storyline
Sabian Symbols are images for each degree of the Zodiac that offer insights to the energy of that degree when activated by a planetary visitation.
Here is the symbol for this New Moon rounded up to 17 Gemini:
"The Head of a Robust Youth Changes into that of a Mature Thinker"
This image is encouraging for the younger generations coming into their own now. Some of the very young children are wise beyond expectations. It's an honor to look at recent birth charts, seeing how plugged in they are to the quantum archetypes of the Kuiper Belt, and more babies born with Pluto in Aquarius, the first of their Pluto generation. Many who are 'coming of age' in these radical times are tuning into the incoming plasma light wavelengths in powerful ways, creating their pioneering lives using new frequencies. Many Millennials now in their 30s, having passed their Saturn return in rigorous times, are taking on their mantle of power, testing potentials and being tested as to their capacity to mold new systems that have sustainable value.
New Moon Challenge from Saturn in Pisces
Squared by Saturn in fluid Pisces, this New Moon cycle will bring some testing and challenges to add compassion and sensitivity to the headiness of Gemini, and to find some steadiness in the flow that allows latitude for Gemini changeability and rapid input. Saturn can help us manage the information overload. Rather than feeling saturated, confused and depleted, we may need more down time out to process and feel through what concerns you —and what is NOT yours to deal with. Pisces is prone to take on too much from outside influences and, in my book, needs more time than any other sign to withdraw to its inner sanctuary. Water is a useful element, for washing away any negative energies
Galactic Astrologer Philip Sedgwick recently wrote:
"Here Saturn splashes water at you from Pisces prompting you to remain in your personal flow. Feel what you feel, want what you want, and ensure that it all contributes to personal evolution. If it does, cool. Get on with doing more of it. If not, go back and rewrite the code."
Like Gemini, Pisces is a mutable and changeable sign, but in water rather than air. We need to communicate with ourselves on a feeling level, as well as the mental level. That is the big piece of this New Moon, engaging head and heart, to establish a balance that can best guide us through the choppy waters of these times. Notice how many places around the world are experiencing flooding! Compassion is flowing as the lives of so many are being changed in an instant, in so many tragedies. The disciplined side of Saturn can be usefully applied to spirituality and prayerful service, which is effective from the inner levels. These are the levels we are invited to engage more fully in this particularly loving New Moon cycle.
There is more to say about this June lunation, which I do not have time to write, but you can listen to. It is after midnight where I am. In just a few hours, the New Moon approaches to find me away from home attending to family matters, deeply feeling the changing of the tides of this incoming Moon cycle.
The video I made with Honey C Golden during the writing of this Cosmic Inspiration News post amplifies what I have written here, along with her intuitive insights on these themes. We also discuss the Grand Trine of the Divine Feminine, shown below, and the conjunction of the North Node call of Destiny with a very far distant discovery named Leleakuhonua, referring, at least in part, to the flight of the Hawai’ian Kolea bird. Please do listen here for more on these two New Moon notables.
I am finding the discovery and naming of Leleakuhonua very compelling to consider (‘con-sider’ = ‘with the stars’), as a potential next level of cosmic invitation. I know little about Hawai’ian cosmology and culture, but feel deep value in their ancient wisdom and Aloha spirit. There is mystic mystery here, not to be understood in old ways of thinking. This New Moon may help lead us into the universal language of love.
I hope to soon be dialoguing with an equally interested sister astrologer, Martha Alter Hines, on what she has been discovering following her first sharing on her ‘Living the One Light’ youtube channel. Also of note, there is a new video from the Soul Wisdom Circle that Martha hosts. I missed being there this time. Please listen in with me.
The next Full Moon is at Solstice time, on June 21, another major turning point in the year. May your path be ever more smooth, joyful, loving and fruitful.