Beautifully done. Thank you, Kelley. Will be rereading, and enjoying contemplating all you have offered.

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Lovely to hear from you, Rosemary! It's been a while since St John!

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Greetings keley. I so appreciate your teachings and booked a $400 session with you via paypal. Please email me at earthandcompanyinfo@gmail.com so we can set up a time. or call again, for some reason your email is bouncing back. Must be the Mercury retrograde =) Blessings LoriAnn

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I always appreciate how you share your wisdom. As a token of that appreciation, I have just purchased the coloring book! (Admittedly, even though I'm a 51-year-old man, coloring is a hobby I've taken up over the past decade and I also ordered it not only for the pure pleasure of coloring these beautiful designs, but because I will likely share some of my versions to my blog!).

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Thank you, Bryan for your comments! Do enjoy the coloring book!!

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